Seasoning for SARMALE - Fuchs - 25g
Seasoning for sarmale - Fuchs - Cabbage Rolls
Net Weight 25g
Product of Romania
You can use the contents of this sachet for 1 Kg of minced meat.
Fuchs recipe: You need: 1 kg of minced meat, 70 g of rice (soaked in water and then drained), 50 ml of water, leaves of pickled cabbage, tomato paste. You can also use sweet cabbage leaves or vine leaves, but they must be scalded beforehand in water (with lemon salt or borscht). Homogenize the minced meat with the rice and 50 ml of water, then portion the composition and roll it in the cabbage leaves. Chop the remaining cabbage leaves and put them in the pot together with the sausages, then add water and let it boil for about an hour and a half. Towards the end of cooking, add tomato paste to taste.
Puteti folosi continutul acestui plic pentru 1 Kg de carne tocata.
Reteta Fuchs: Aveti nevoie de: 1 kg de carne tocata, 70 g de orez (inmuiat in apa si apoi scurs), apa 50 ml, foi de varza murata, pasta de tomate. Puteti folosi de asemenea foi de varza dulce sau foi de vita de vie, dar acestea trebuie oparite in prealabil in apa (cu sare de lamaie sau bors). Omogenizati carnea tocata cu orezul si 50 ml apa, apoi portionati compozitia si rulati-o in foile de varza. Foile de varza ramase se toaca si se asaza impreuna cu sarmalele in oala, dupa care se adauga apa si se lasa la fiert aproximativ o ora si jumatate. Spre finalul fierberii, adaugati si pasta de tomate dupa gust.