Q: How can I order?A: 3 easy ways to order:
- directly on our website: (the fastest option)
- call/text (617)804-5002
- e-mail us at:
Q: Can I shop at your physical location?
A: As much as we'd like you to visit us, unfortunately shopping at our warehouse is not possible as our location is our warehouse. You may pick up only orders placed in advance. At the time you place your order you will be able to select a pickup day/time.
Q: I placed an order for pickup, but I'm stuck in traffic. Do I have to pick it up right on the scheduled time?
A: Pick up time slots are done in 1-hour periods. You will have 1 hour to pick up your order, but we understand sometimes things happen and you may need to reschedule. That is not an issue at all, just call us at (617)804-5002
Q: Do you offer same day pick up and delivery?
A: Normally we need 2 hours notice for pickup and deliveries are scheduled for the next business day. If you need pickup/delivery for the same day, please call us and we will try to accommodate your request (617)804-5002
Q: I prefer shopping In-Store so that I can better see ingredients lists and expiration dates.
A: We ensure that all of our products have ingredients listed or photographed. We also strive to be 100% upfront with expiration dates which are listed for each product right below the "Add to Cart" button. Our goal is to continuously improve the shopping experience for you.
Q: Can I request that you stock a specific item for me?
A: Yes, please fill out a "Product Request Form"
Q: How is Delivery and CurbSide pick up coordinated?
A: Please check out our Deliver/Pickup/Shipping section for details.
Q: When do you receive new merchandise?
A: We have deliveries every 10-15 days.